Incorporation for Indie Hackers

When it comes to indie hacking projects, incorporating as an LLC (Limited Liability Company) can be a smart strategic move compared to operating without a formal business structure.

For indie hackers venturing into the entrepreneurial landscape, forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) can be a strategic move to safeguard personal assets, enhance credibility, and streamline tax management. An LLC provides a flexible business structure that combines the liability protection of a corporation with the operational simplicity of a sole proprietorship. By incorporating, indie hackers can not only protect their personal assets from business debts and legal claims but also enjoy potential tax benefits and a professional business image, crucial for attracting customers and investors. Whether you’re just starting out or scaling your indie hacking venture, understanding the advantages of forming an LLC is a key step toward sustainable growth and success:

  • Limited Liability Protection: Shields personal assets from business debts and legal claims.
  • Credibility and Trust: Enhances business credibility with clients, partners, and investors.
  • Tax Flexibility: Offers options to choose how the business is taxed (as a sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation).
  • Simplified Management: Provides a flexible management structure without the formalities required of corporations.
  • Easy to Form and Maintain: Relatively simple to set up and has fewer ongoing requirements than other business structures.
  • Easy to open accounts via company, like payment processors - Stripe, etc.

After researching a few options, I chose FirstBase because they provide exactly what I need - a turnkey solution for incorporation, banking and everything else, so that I can focus on building products and not managing the company myself, let's see some details:

  • I decided to go for an LLC in Wyoming - easy paperwork, no taxes. The cost of incorporation is $400
  • After one month, I got an EIN (Employer Identification Number)
  • Enabled Postal Email (required) - $315 per year
  • Enabled Agent Autopilot (agent is required) - $300 per year
  • Enabled Accounting (bookkeeping, etc.) - $1000 per year
  • Enabled IRS Tax Filling - $900 per year
  • Opened Mercury bank account
  • Opened Stripe account
  • Integrated FirstBase, Mercury and Stripe
  • FirstBase has a nice web application where you can manage all aspects of your company
  • So, the initial cost is $400 + total yearly cost is $2500, which I find reasonable, having in mind that you don't have to move one finger to manage it, even if it's idle some time - IMHO - it's worth it!

For indie hackers, choosing a service like FirstBase provides a hassle-free experience for managing an LLC, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your business without worrying about the administrative overhead. The setup costs and annual fees are reasonable, considering the peace of mind and efficiency gained from a comprehensive, hands-off management solution.